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There are many resources available to help you with your research. Each college has a website, and current students frequently publish material online about their experiences. If you are able to visit colleges before applying, travel smart. If you only visit a handful of extremely selective, medium-sized research universities, your trip may not reflect the true breadth of schools out there. Instead, you might want to visit a handful of different types of colleges and universities in your area to get a sense of how schools vary and what feels like a good fit. You might be well-served by visiting a small liberal arts college, a small university, and a large public university, for example. If you discover that you like the feel of small liberal arts college versus the larger schools, then you could begin to narrow your search and explore other small liberal arts colleges.


The terms "college" and "university" are often used interchangeably in the U.S.Colleges and universities primarily differ in program offerings and degree types.
"University" refers to larger institutions offering both undergraduate and graduate programs.
"College" refers to community colleges, technical schools, and liberal arts colleges.


The academic year usually runs from August through May with breaks for holidays.
Most universities use either the semester system (two terms), the quarter system
(students attend three out of four total terms), or the trimester system (three terms).


The short answer is yes, international students can work in the USA while studying but there are some restrictions.


Overall there are three major differences between online and distance learning: Location, Interaction and Intention